来自美国明尼苏达州的插画师菲尔·琼斯分享了一组有关于被拒绝的插画作品,因为他试图将自己的作品在美国知名的杂志投稿,但是总是被拒绝,于是就创作了一个名为“favorite rejects”的项目,虽然没有投稿成功,但是在网络上却流行,超过45万人次浏览,为他点赞。
And you're sure this was the last place you bad it?
Fredrick waits for the push that will never conme.
What's the new wifi password?
Yeah,that;s right.Pick up my shit.
How the hell are we supposed to compete with that?
Can you scoot down a bit?These sneakers smell like shit.